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Why Join the Alumni?

The King's School Alumni exists to encourage social communication, bringing mutual benefits for its members both to those just leaving King's and to former students in their subsequent careers and beyond.

King's has a rich heritage and has had many distinguished students since its inception. Alumni continue to carve out a wide range of successful and personally satisfying careers. Being able to say that “I attended The King’s School, Grantham” and share in its continuing exceptional academic, sporting, cultural and social successes remains something to value, take pride in and use to the benefit of others.

The Alumni seek to provide a mutually beneficial forum for communication between King's School students, past and present.

Specifically, for students, the Alumni can:

Provide a network for students to gather information, guidance and advice from former students on such matters as:

  • career options;
  • further and continuing education or training and apprenticeship destinations;
  • CV and interview preparation etc.
  • Facilitate mentoring for more specialist information and work experience.

For ex-students, the Alumni can:

  • Provide a forum for maintaining and strengthening communication with other former students, whether for social interaction or ongoing education, career advice, guidance and feedback.
  • Provide a means for maintaining links with the School to support social, sporting and cultural events.
  • Actively offer support, opportunity and guidance for students as they make their career-defining choices before leaving King’s.
  • Contribute to donations and fund-raising initiatives.             

The King’s Alumni encourages free-flowing ideas, information and experiences amongst its many members well beyond their time at King’s. This should prove stimulating, beneficial and enjoyable, whether socially or professionally. 

 Your involvement and support will be most welcome.

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